Brass Quintet

Passages of Light

The Chase

Venicia Obscura

Field of Infinite Stars

Composer’s Notes:

I love writing for brass. I grew up playing Trumpet then moved over to playing French Horn. I composed these in early 2024 just after composing 3 massive Wind Symphonies. I was fully warmed up and ready to dive in and see what I might explore with this combination. First, there is no place to hide, every part has to matter and one has to think on a completely different set of rules and challenges. Once you sort out the logistics, things begin to flow both creatively and musically. We live in the post-modern age, so a composer can freely draw upon every sort of technic, style, period, performance aspects. I freely went with the flow, like Edward Hopper’s paintings

I imagined a scene, a moment, the passing of light in slow-motion and created sort of a take-down of that dream, that instant in time. I tried to not be too literal, too on the nose, making it is more broad and expressive of the human emotions. Best way is to just listen for yourself and take in these paintings for brass.

Ron Jones May 2024