Service One

The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Nullam vel ultricies metus, at tincidunt arcu. Morbi vestibulum, ligula ut efficitur mollis, mi massa accumsan justo, accumsan auctor orci lectus ac ipsum. Proin porta nisl sem, ac suscipit lorem dignissim et. Curabitur euismod nec augue vitae dictum.

Scores heard around the Earth

It is a wild thing to create music for a film or TV series. One day you are alone composing to meet a crazy deadline, the next day it plays around the world to millions.

I have always deeply regarded the intelligence of the audience, that they are very smart and aware. So rather than crank out dumb scores, I push myself to engage the brains, the hearts, the dreams of the audience. That, I think has set my film and TV scores apart from those composers who do not respect or consider the audience. A score for media should support completely the story and characters and all aspects, but in the end the role of music is to speak to the emotions, to go directly where feelings are and amplify those complex impulses in sync with the picture and story.

My credits include such popular series as Star Trek:TNG, Family Guy, Duck Tales, American Dad and hundreds more.

Sub-Service Two

The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Nullam vel ultricies metus, at tincidunt arcu

Sub-Service Three

The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Nullam vel ultricies metus, at tincidunt arcu